Carestream to release DBT module, Vue RIS upgrades

Carestream Health will unveil a new digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) module for its Vue Mammo workstation, as well as enhancements to its Vue RIS software, at the upcoming 2012 RSNA meeting in Chicago.

The DBT module allows users to store, route, display, and query/retrieve DBT exams from DICOM-compliant acquisition devices, according to the vendor. In addition, comparison tools allow radiologists to use personalized hanging protocols for DBT exams along with other procedures, Carestream said.

Specialized tools include automatic positioning of DBT and mammograms; automatic "same sizing" of DBT and mammograms to assist in comparing changes in anatomy; and concurrent magnifying glasses to provide close-up comparison of pathology across multiple views and procedures, Carestream said. DBT studies can also be viewed in cine mode or by scrolling.

Carestream has also added the ability to store and track radiation dose information to Vue RIS. The RIS tracks and displays dose history by capturing exposure information from the modality and, in the future, will allow physicists at user sites to enter formulas to calculate dose for each patient, Carestream said.

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