Give us your opinion with Question of the Week

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

We're pleased to announce the newest feature on -- Question of the Week, a new interactive poll that lets you sound off on some of the most important issues in medical imaging.

Every week we'll be posting a new question and letting you register your opinion. You can view the results of the current question in progress, and you'll also be able to access the archive of past polls, giving you a way to measure the pulse of radiology on a wide range of issues.

Our inaugural Question of the Week deals with the Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial (DMIST) -- have the results changed your opinion of full-field digital mammography? To let us know, just click here.

You'll find Question of the Week on the AuntMinnie home page, or just go to If you have a suggestion for a future question, please let us know at [email protected].

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