Jamal Al Deen Al Koteesh, Maysam T. Abu Sa'a, and Haleema P. Saripada[email protected]Clinical Newsعلاج الألياف الرحمية عن طريق قسطرة شرايين الرحم في الإمارات العربية المتحدةتعد قسطرة شرايين الرحم (UAE) أحد التطورات المتميزة في مجال صحة المرأة في القرن الحالي حيث أصبحت بديلا موثوقا آمنا و فعالا للمعالجة الجراحية التقليدية لتليفات الرحم والتي تعتبر الأورام النسائية الحميد ة الأكثر شيوعا. #edit_1stParagraph{ display:block; visibility:visible; }September 8, 2014Digital X-RayCase report: Interventional retrieval of portacath fragmentPortacaths are commonly indicated for long-term administration of parenteral medications. This case report details the successful interventional retrieval of a fractured portacath fragment with cardiac migration. This is rather an unusual complication that, at times, can be life-threatening.March 9, 2014Page 1 of 1Top StoriesEconomicsMedicare Quality Payment Program changes affecting radiology practices for 2025In a new column, Erin Stephens of Healthcare Administrative Partners fdetails the key Medicare Quality Payment program changes that radiology practices need to know about in 2025.Radiation Oncology/TherapyConsolidation reigns in radiation oncologyWomens Imaging'Social capital' tied to more screening mammography uptakeMRIbpMRI, mpMRI show comparable NPV for prostate cancerSponsor ContentRegister for a FREE Webinar March 19 @ 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET