Advanced Visualization Insider

Dear Advanced Visualization Insider,

Although the lion's share of development of computer-aided detection (CAD) technology has been focused on the breast, chest, and colon, other areas of the body also hold potential. In fact, some believe that the musculoskeletal system could be one of the keys to revitalizing CAD research and development.

Musculoskeletal CAD could offer significant value to radiologists by assisting with tedious clinical tasks such as pathology labeling and aiding in quantification tasks such as bone age assessment, arthritis grading, and cartilage assessment, according to Dr. Ty Bae, Ph.D., of the University of Pittsburgh. He shared his thoughts on the potential for musculoskeletal CAD during a talk at the 2009 RSNA meeting in Chicago.

Our coverage of his presentation is the subject of this month's Insider Exclusive, which you have access to before the rest of our members.

In a related article this month in your Advanced Visualization Digital Community, features editor Wayne Forrest has our coverage of a program that can provide semiautomatic segmentation of the meniscus in knee MR images.

In other news, international editor Eric Barnes reports on a new virtual colonoscopy CAD application that can find submucosally invading colon cancers. For that article, click here. Also, learn more about how to maximize your chances of 3D lab success by clicking here.

Do you have any interesting images or clips that might be suitable for our AV Gallery? I invite you to submit them by clicking here.

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