Dear AuntMinnie Member,
Sure, you've heard all the hype about how great the iPad is for reading online content on your sofa, viewing streaming video in the subway, and even watching World Cup matches at the beach. But what about its use for medical imaging?
We address that topic in a feature article by senior editor Erik L. Ridley in our Advanced Visualization Digital Community. The story investigates how the iPad's unique form factor offers the potential to fundamentally change the way medical images are distributed and viewed throughout the healthcare enterprise.
But there are significant hurdles to more widespread iPad adoption, such as security issues and how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will regulate medical software developed for the device. Learn more by clicking here, or visit the community at
Breast MRI at 3 tesla
In other news, in our Women's Imaging Digital Community you'll find a story on research published in the July issue of Radiology that examined the use of a diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) protocol for 3-tesla breast MRI.
While DWI breast MRI has been routinely studied at the 1.5-tesla field strength, researchers from the U.S. National Institutes of Health wanted to gauge its impact with more powerful magnets. They also developed a different method for calculating apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps that they hoped would be more accurate than conventional techniques.
Find out what they learned by clicking here, or visit the community at