Advanced Visualization Insider

Dear Advanced Visualization Insider,

While computer-aided detection (CAD) technology can help identify breast cancers, that capability won't help as much if radiologists sometimes ignore true-positive CAD marks.

After performing a retrospective review of missed breast cancers from 2004 to 2008, Dr. Stamatia Destounis and colleagues from Elizabeth Wende Breast Care in Rochester, NY, found that CAD had marked most of the suspicious areas that humans declined to follow up.

Why are radiologists ignoring some CAD markings? Find out why in a story by staff writer Eric Barnes, which is the subject of this month's Insider Exclusive and can be reached by clicking here.

In other featured articles this month in your Advanced Visualization Digital Community, the use of CAD with a new 3D display technique was recently found to increase the sensitivity of inexperienced readers of virtual colonography studies. It failed, however, to narrow the performance gap of experienced interpreters. For that article, click here.

Also, CAD continues to show promise for improving the specificity of breast MRI studies. A Dutch research team recently found that CAD yielded a statistically significant specificity increase for interpreting 3-tesla breast MRI exams. You can find our report by clicking here.

Finally, do you have any interesting images or clips that might be suitable for our AV Gallery? I invite to you to submit them by clicking here.

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