Business & Industry Insider

Dear Business & Industry Insider,

It isn't often that people over the age of 60 leave the luxury of retirement to start a new business venture, but Anthony Pellegrino, founder and CEO of former x-ray and mammography vendor Lorad, took the challenge.

He enlisted former Lorad president John Brenna and four colleagues to join him at Pellegrino's second start-up company -- Topex. After several years of product development and market research, the Danbury, CT, firm has produced the SRT 100 superficial radiation treatment device for skin cancer.

With as many as 1 million new cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year in the U.S. alone, and more than half of skin cancer cases occurring in adults older than 60 years, Topex is looking to market its compact, mobile unit to radiation oncologists, dermatologists, and nursing homes. Get the rest of the details on Topex in this edition's Insider Exclusive, which you can reach by clicking here.

We also bring you news of another start-up firm that made a splash this week -- AG Mednet, a Boston-based company looking to launch a new era of teleradiology-based imaging services with a nationwide telecommunications network designed to make it easier for radiologists to distribute and share files with others.

The company hopes its business model will effect vast changes on the teleradiology market by freeing imaging facilities from more cumbersome connections like virtual private networks (VPNs) and proprietary PACS teleradiology software. Get the rest of the details by clicking here.

You can learn about other developments in the world of medical imaging by visiting the Business & Industry Digital Community, at And feel free to send any ideas, comments, and suggestions for future issues to me at [email protected].

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