The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) of Albuquerque, NM, has made a $10,000 donation to the American Red Cross International Response Fund for earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.
"We have heard an outpouring of concern from our members about how they can help with the relief efforts in Haiti," said ASRT CEO Sal Martino. "We believe the best way to assist is by financially supporting the American Red Cross, which is providing immediate assistance with shelter, food, and healthcare needs through its established disaster relief programs. The ASRT is honored to be able to make this financial donation on our members' behalf."
"We know that several radiologic technologists who volunteer for U.S. Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs) are already on the ground in Haiti, assisting with medical needs," said Martino. "They are working tirelessly to help the survivors of this devastating earthquake, and we thank them for their heroic work. Radiologic technologists are always among the first to step forward and help during times of need."
Radiologic technologists who wish to volunteer for future service with DMAT, which is part of the National Disaster Medical System, may find information at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Web site.
Related Reading
Radiology mobilizes to help Haiti in wake of devastating earthquake, January 19, 2010
Nyaya Health brings ultrasound expertise to Nepal, June 25, 2009
Digital technology sparks revival of global x-ray project, April 15, 2009
Radiology rises to the occasion for Katrina survivors and victims, December 27, 2005
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