Advances in Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) Special Report from

This is an overview of Advances in Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI), a new Special Report on MBI, an exciting new technology in breast imaging. Complete free access to the Advances in Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) Special Report.

In this special report you'll find a comprehensive review of Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI), touching on everything from its viability in today's cost-conscious breast imaging practice to how it fits into an environment increasingly worried about radiation dose. You'll also learn about how specialized breast imaging practices plan to integrate Molecular Breast Imaging into their operations, and whether MBI could offer a solution to one of the most vexing problems in breast imaging -- dealing with dense breast tissue.

Molecular Breast Imaging, MBI casts wider net for improved breast cancer diagnosis
MBI uncovered five other cancers that escaped detection with mammography in the trial, but the memory of this patient persisted for Carrie Hruska, PhD, an associate consultant in medical physics at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, as she presented preliminary results from the trial at the American Society of Breast Disease (ASBD) meeting in New York City in April 2010.
Read the complete MBI casts wider net for improved breast cancer diagnosis article.

Molecular Breast Imaging, New imaging tools address challenges of dense breast tissue
Some two-thirds of premenopausal women and one-quarter of those who are postmenopausal have dense breast tissue. In addition to confounding conventional x-ray-based mammography, women with dense breasts have also been found to have a higher risk of breast cancer.
Read the complete New imaging tools address challenges of dense breast tissue article.

Molecular Breast Imaging, MBI could help breast centers caught in economic squeeze
MBI's potential as a mammography adjunct comes from its potential advantages compared to the two more established complementary technologies: breast MRI and ultrasound. MBI is cheaper and less complex than breast MRI, and it's less user-dependent than breast ultrasound. Ultimately, MBI proponents believe that it could provide more tailored and cost-effective imaging that will improve care for patients and the bottom line for breast centers.
Read the complete MBI could help breast centers caught in economic squeeze article.

Molecular Breast Imaging, When to use advanced breast imaging: A tale of two centers
Advanced breast imaging modalities can provide specific clinical information designed to improve the detection and treatment of breast cancer, from the anatomic clarity of MRI to the functional activity revealed through nuclear breast imaging. Each modality has a unique role to play in managing patients with breast cancer.
Read the complete When to use advanced breast imaging: A tale of two centers article.

Molecular Breast Imaging, Radiation dose in women's imaging: Are we scared yet?
To some extent, low-dose breast imaging modalities such as mammography have been hit with backscatter from the controversy over MDCT, which delivers a much higher radiation dose than mammography in relative terms. But recent clinical studies indicate that the radiation involved in some adjunctive breast imaging modalities -- such as positron emission mammography and breast-specific gamma imaging -- may have a bigger impact than previously thought.

To what extent should women and their healthcare providers worry about radiation dose? Are fears of radiation-induced cancers from breast imaging exams legitimate, or are they overblown? And what about alternative breast imaging technologies targeted at women who may be younger, have dense breast parenchyma, or have a higher risk for cancer?
Read the complete Molecular Breast Imaging, Radiation dose in women's imaging: Are we scared yet? article

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