Imaging Center Insider

Kate Madden Yee, Senior Editor, Headshot

Dear Imaging Center Insider,

Private insurance companies often look to the government for guidance, and in the wake of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005, they've taken their cue from the feds and sought to curb what they see as overutilization of diagnostic medical imaging.

The mandate for imaging facilities? Wake up and watch out, according to Ron Howrigon, president and founder of Fulcrum Strategies in Raleigh, NC, a company that provides physician consulting services. Howrigon spoke at the Radiology Business Management Association's (RBMA) fall conference in San Antonio this past month, giving attendees not only a snapshot of cost-cutting trends to come, but also advice for how to deal with them.

Click here for the story: As an Imaging Center Insider subscriber, you can view the article before the rest of our members.

When you're finished with that article, check out the rest of our Imaging Center Digital Community news, particularly a story about a new legal opinion from the Office of Inspector General on whether preauthorization companies violate antikickback statutes. We also have a report on a Government Accountability Office study on the effect of the DRA, as well as information on how to prevent MRI magnet explosions.

As always, if you have a comment or report to share about any aspect of diagnostic imaging practice, management, administration, regulation, or financing, please contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

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