Are radiology salaries declining? And, will Congress cut imaging payments?

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Has the global recession taken a bite out of salaries for radiology professionals? Or is the discipline, like the rest of healthcare, truly recession-proof, as the saying goes?

A great way to find out is by participating in this year's SalaryScan Survey. We've assembled a short list of questions on wages and benefits for a variety of professions in medical imaging. We'll take the data from your answers and plug them into our database, which you'll be able to use to see how your compensation package stacks up against those of your peers.

You can fill out the survey anonymously if you wish, but we'll need your contact information if you want to win one of five Apple iPod nano players we're giving away to survey participants. You can always load it up with the blues if times are really that tough.

Ready to get started? Then just go to And if you'd like to peruse some of the hundreds of jobs we have available in our Job Boards, go to

Will Congress cut imaging?

In other news, the inauguration of the Obama administration last week spurred an outpouring of hope and anticipation for a break from the policies of the past (at least in some political circles). But that's not necessarily the case for medical imaging, which has become a target for cost-cutting initiatives in Congress and at the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Radiology advocates fear that imaging is again on the chopping block and are moving to avoid a replay of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which sharply curtailed outpatient imaging payments. Find out what's on the political horizon by checking out a new article in our Imaging Center Digital Community, which you can read by clicking here.

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