Despite passing sweeping healthcare overhaul, Congress has adjourned for spring recess leaving one particular item on the table: a 21% cut in Medicare reimbursement effective April 1, according to the American Medical Association (AMA) of Chicago.
The mandated cut is due to a flaw in the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula used to calculate Medicare payments. On March 10, the Senate passed a bill that would have delayed the cut until October 1. But the House never confirmed the measure -- and won't be voting on any legislation until April 13, according to the AMA.
"Congress' failure to act on permanent repeal of the broken Medicare physician payment formula has put access to healthcare for seniors and military families in jeopardy," said AMA president Dr. James Rohack in a statement. "Physicians will be forced to limit the care they can provide to Medicare patients when payments fall steeply below the cost of providing care in a few days."
Related Reading
Senate extends SGR deadline until October, March 11, 2010
Senate delays Medicare payment cuts until April, March 3, 2010
Senate fails to avert 21% Medicare cut, February 26, 2010
Senate works to extend SGR deadline, February 9, 2010
Medical imaging 2010: Is the sky falling? January 12, 2010
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