Ref49 PE

AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000 Aug;175(2):407-411

Clinical Value of Thin Collimation in the Diagnostic Workup of Pulmonary Embolism.

Remy-Jardin M, Remy J, Baghaie F, Fribourg M, Artaud D, Duhamel A

All authors: Department of Thoracic Imaging, Hospital Calmette, Blvd. Jules Leclerc, 59037, Lille Cedex, France.

OBJECTIVE. We report our experience with thin-collimation helical CT in a population of patients suspected of having pulmonary embolism. CONCLUSION. Thin-collimation helical CT provided technically acceptable examinations for pulmonary embolism in 360 patients (97%). In this population, CT revealed pulmonary embolism in 104 patients (29%), negative findings in 217 patients (59%), indeterminate findings in 39 patients (10%), and alternative diagnoses in 65% of patients with negative or inconclusive findings. Ventilation-perfusion scanning and Doppler sonography of the lower extremities were performed in 158 (44%) and 133 patients (37%), respectively, whereas pulmonary angiography was performed in 27 patients (7.5%). The estimated false-negative rate of helical CT was 5%.

PMID: 10915683

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