Top 10 articles from's RSNA 2023 RADCast

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Our top 10 most popular articles from this year’s RSNA 2023 RADcast covered a wide range of topics, beginning with an article on the impact of soccer heading on the brain.

Although the risk of brain injury for athletes in America has largely focused on football, recent research has also identified changes in the brain from repetitive heading by soccer players. In Chicago, a presenter from New York-Presbyterian Hospital showed how diffusion tensor imaging MRI revealed declines in brain microstructure and function.

Meanwhile, our second most highly viewed story shared how roles are changing for radiologists in cardiac CT and cardiac MRI exams. Other articles generating substantial page views included coverage of research tying midlife belly fat to a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and a report from the opening session on the need for change to enable growth in radiology.

See below for the full top 10 list from RSNA 2023 and also be sure to check our RADcast for more coverage that you may have missed. Plus, stay tuned for our top 10 videos from McCormick Place.

Top 10:

  1. DTI-MRI reveals impact of soccer heading on brain
  2. Radiologists are reading more cardiac CT exams, but not cardiac MRI
  3. Midlife belly fat linked to increased Alzheimer’s risk
  4. Change needed for radiology to grow
  5. Functional MRI shows brain activity prompted by fanaticism
  6. CEM confirms effectiveness of cyroablation
  7. New CT, MRI scanners and AI top GE HealthCare’s highlights at RSNA 2023
  8. PET tracer shows promise in prostate cancer patients
  9. CT-guided procedure shows promise for restoring smell after long COVID
  10. United Imaging to unveil new technology at RSNA
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