Radiology's hot spots meet the RSNA: November 25 highlights

CT radiation doses are too high for children; lung cancer rates rise among women, along with prostate cancer in men; a $26.3 million U.S study could determine the fate of digital mammography; CT nails down inhalation anthrax -- these are just a few of the stories that made 2001 a watershed year in radiology.

The program of the 2001 RSNA Scientific Assembly will offer an in-depth exploration of these and many other topics that could matter mightily in radiology's future. The editorial staff has carefully reviewed the program of scientific and educational sessions throughout the week, and would like to recommend the following presentations of note.

President’s Address
The Research & Education Foundation: Support for the future
Dr. Jerry P. Petasnick
8:30-10:15 a.m.
Arie Crown Theater

Dedication of RSNA Scientific Program
This year’s assembly is in honor of Dr. Sadek Hilal, Ph.D., a pioneer in neuroradiology. Dr. Hilal served as the director of neuroradiology at the Neurological Institute at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, and as the director of the Imaging Research Center. In 1984, the U.S. Congress bestowed the Jacob Javits Award on Dr. Hilal for outstanding research in the neurological sciences. Dr. Hilal, 70, died at his home in Englewood, CA, in December 2000.
8:30-10:15 a.m.
Arie Crown Theater

Scientific session A13 (Pediatric)
Moderators: Dr. Lori Barr
Dr. Donald Frush
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Room N229
Topics: Radiation dose for helical CT; image quality and radiation dose considerations; age-specific dose radiation

Scientific session A17 (Chest)
Moderators: Dr. Lawrence Goodman
Dr. Craig Coblentz
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Room E450B
Topics: PE and DVT on CT; new spiral CT angiographic PE score; MR after thrombendarterectomy

Scientific session A10 (Neuroradiology)
Moderators: Dr. Leighton Mark
Dr. Christopher Filippi
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Room N226
Topics: The Rotterdam Scan Study; Assessing motor pathway activation in early Parkinson's disease with fMRI; phased-array surface coils in high-resolution MRI of epilepsy

Refresher course 121
How large is your dosimetry error? How certain is your risk estimate?
Louis Wagner, PhD
1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Room S505AB

By staff writers
November 14, 2001

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