Ultrasound shows merit for cystic liver masses

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Ultrasound compares favorably to other imaging modalities in the diagnosis of cystic liver masses, according to a presentation at the Leading Edge in Diagnostic Ultrasound meeting in Philadelphia. As a result, ultrasound should be the gold standard for diagnosing and guiding treatment of such masses, according to an article we're featuring by staff editor Erik L. Ridley, who is attending the conference this week.

Researchers from the Republic of Georgia presented their study of 105 patients, with ultrasound, CT, and MRI all used for diagnosis. Ultrasound's accuracy was comparable to or better than that of the other modalities, the researchers concluded. It particularly excelled in cases of amebic abscess, echinococcal cyst, and hematoma.

Ultrasound scored an additional advantage due to its ability to be used for image-guided biopsy and treatment, such as the placement of drainage catheters. The effectiveness of ultrasound-guided biopsy is such that radiologists can rule out the use of CT or MRI for most cases, the researchers said.

The Georgian researchers proposed a patient-management algorithm for cystic liver masses that relies on ultrasound-guided treatment for many patients, with the use of CT or MRI limited to cases in which these modalities provide additional information. You'll find the details in our Ultrasound Digital Community, at ultrasound.auntminnie.com.

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