AuntMinnie PACS Insider

Dear PACS Insider,

Need practical advice on complying with the security and privacy provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)? A multimedia presentation by Herman Oosterwijk of OTech Health Care Technology Solutions is an excellent resource.

Herman's presentation took place on October 23, but in case you missed it, an archived copy is available in the PACS Digital Community. Once you've seen it, you’ll also have an opportunity to submit questions to Herman, who’ll be signing on regularly to answer postings in our PACS Digital Community Discussion Groups through November 6.

HIPAA-related matters are also the focus of our PACS Insider Exclusive article this month. With so many healthcare professionals requiring access to patient images and reports, it’s not easy for providers to maintain HIPAA-compliant security and privacy practices.

At Maine Medical Center (MMC), however, analysis of audit logs with a multidimensional online analytical processing (OLAP) tool has been an excellent method of identifying security problems and analyzing departmental benchmarks, according to Dr. Bob Coleman of MMC.

As a PACS Insider subscriber, you have access to this story before it is published for the rest of our AuntMinnie members. To read more about this issue's featured article, click here.

Finally, PACS Insiders should keep an eye out for something new we’ll be featuring in the PACS Digital Community next week. Stay tuned….

If you have a topic you’d like to see covered, or are interested in submitting an article for publication, please feel free to drop me a line.

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