Interventional radiology comes of age in India

Dear AuntMinnieIndia Member,

This week saw India play host to the Asia-Pacific Congress of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology for the first time in six years. And in a sense, hosting the conference signified the coming of age of interventional radiology in India.

In this issue, we bring you an overview of the conference and interventional radiology in India. And in a related article, we explain how an enterprising doctor used radiofrequency ablation to successfully treat osteoid osteoma when bone trephining failed to prevent its recurrence. Now, three months later, he successfully treats his second case.

We also bring you a sobering word of caution. Dr Subash Ramani from Tata Memorial Hospital, India's best-known cancer hospital, warns that the incidence of breast cancer is on the rise in the country. And that unlike Western nations where cancer is usually detected in the early stages, a majority of cases in India are in the third or fourth stage. Now that's a clear call for greater awareness on the benefits of early detection and screening.

As always, feel free to send in your views, comments, and contributions to [email protected].

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