VSM gets DARPA contract

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) developer VSM MedTech of Vancouver, British Columbia, has been awarded a research contract from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Under the contract, VSM will perform research to explore the possibility that MEG signals from the human brain can be retrieved with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to permit noninvasive access to neural codes associated with the movement of limbs, the company said.

The contract is a cost-plus-fixed-fee arrangement amounting to $1.47 million (U.S.), of which approximately $750,000 is currently available, VSM said. The agreement will be administered through the Canadian Commercial Corporation as part of DARPA's human-assisted neural devices program, which is seeking to create neural-control technologies for prosthetic devices.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
December 21, 2004

Related Reading

VSM to showcase new MEG electronics, November 24, 2004

VSM sells MEG to France, December 31, 2003

VSM places MEG in Munster, December 11, 2003

VSM taps Price as CEO, December 5, 2003

CMS hikes MEG reimbursement, November 3, 2003

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