Siemens Medical Solutions

2007 10 18 16 13 19 706

(Booth 7713) Multimodality vendor Siemens Medical Solutions will return to the RSNA show this year with a focus on capabilities of the company's Somatom Definition dual-source CT scanner, first introduced at RSNA 2005.

2007 10 18 16 13 04 706Look for Malvern, PA-based Siemens to tout the scanner's high temporal resolution, which enables users to conduct cardiac scans without the use of beta-blockers, regardless of heart rate and without multisegment reconstruction of images. Another benefit from the dual-source configuration is the ability to scan obese patients through its 78-cm gantry bore.

In addition to Definition, Siemens will showcase dual-energy syngo applications that the company introduced at the 2006 RSNA show. The company will be showing data that was generated through combining various x-ray tube voltages produced with the two energy sources.

Also look for Siemens to introduce new enhancements to the company's single-source CT products as well.

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