List of technologists' tasks

  1. Patient chart brought to CT technologist; technologist calls patient
  2. Patient identification performed with exam verification
  3. Patient's screening form is reviewed with patient
  4. Patient is taken to changing area to change
  5. Examination explained to patient
  6. Patient is given oral contrast if needed
  7. Patient escorted to IV prep area
  8. IV access established outside exam room
  9. Patient guided to bathroom prior to scan
  10. Patient escorted to scanner
  11. Patient placed on scanner table
  12. IV connected to power injector
  13. Exam inquiry in RIS performed for prior history
  14. Patient weight and technologists initials put into scanner
  15. Log book entry (paper copy)
  16. Scout
  17. Scans performed
  18. Postprocessing task: reformatting
  19. Exam archived
  20. Network images relayed
  21. End exam
  22. Patient helped off table
  23. IV removed if necessary
  24. Patient escorted to changing area
  25. Technologist prepares CT room for next patient
  26. Power injector loaded
  27. Room made ready for next patient
  28. RIS completion of study and patient departure
  29. Relay queried to confirm image transmission
  30. Segment study if necessary
  31. Study pushed to PACS
  32. Place patient chart in patient completion bin
  33. Confirm images arrived in PACS
  34. Print film of study if necessary

Courtesy of Dr. Giles Boland, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

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