X-Ray Radiology Insider

Dear X-Ray Radiology Insider,

Compared to conventional film-screen or computed radiography (CR), digital radiography (DR) wins the image-quality battle, according to researchers from Germany. A user-preference study of 30 patients who were examined with all three technologies showed that DR was as good as or better than the other methods for visualizing anatomic structures.

The studies were performed under identical exposure conditions (automatic exposure control using the same peak kilovoltage, tube current, and grid) with the exception of a 50% reduction in radiation dose for the DR images. All of the exams were reviewed on hard copy for comparative purposes.

The group evaluated 10 anatomic structures in the lung for visibility, exposure quality, and a subjective overall perception of image quality. CR was the technology of choice for imaging retrocardiac structures, while DR was judged superior for depicting the remaining seven structures.

The researchers postulated that DR’s impressive dynamic range capabilities and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) might explain its high image-quality scores in comparison with film-screen radiography.

As an X-ray Radiology Insider subscriber, you have access to this story before it is published for the rest of our AuntMinnie members on September 19. To read more about this head-to-head showdown of radiographic technologies, go to

Also, if there’s an x-ray imaging topic you’d like to see us write about, or you would like to author an article for us, please contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!

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