
CR and digitizer vendor iCRco of Torrance, CA, will introduce two new CR systems, the iCR-3600LF and iCR-3600V.

The 3600LF is a tabletop flatbed unit, and 3600V is a floor- or wall-mounted unit that can be attached to a mobile x-ray system.

Technical features for both systems include a fully automatic CR unit, optional touchscreen, optional embedded computer, flat scan path, 16-bit capture system, and 70-plates-per-hour capacity.

The systems are targeted at small clinics, orthopedic offices, and hospitals with only one x-ray room or CR system. Each can be sold as a complete digital x-ray system or as a retrofit. Both the iCR-3600LF and iCR-3600V have FDA clearance and will be available in November 2005 in the U.S. and in November 2006 internationally. The systems are priced at $50,000.

By Robert Bruce
AuntMinnie.com contributing writer
November 8, 2005

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