Philips Medical Systems of Andover, MA, will bring its PCR (Philips Computed Radiography) Eleva systems for cassette-based digital radiography to RSNA 2006, introducing two new systems in the Eleva family. The company will also show new features on its DigitalDiagnost DR system.
PCR Eleva S and PCR Eleva S Plus are new introductions that replace PCR Eleva Compano. Technical specifications include a RIS connection to automatically update patient work list, automated programming of Eleva based on exam information received from the RIS, and wide support for DICOM functions.
Fully automatic stitching is another feature that allows for automatic positioning of tube and detector. After image acquisition, data can be directly processed and stitched on the DigitalDiagnost workstation. New integrated software will automatically stitch the images and compensate acquisition variations.
Philips will also be adding a 3D imaging capability to its BV Pulsera mini C-arm system. Shipments of the system began in October.
In the x-ray angiography side of the company's booth, Philips will showcase XperGuide and Dynamic 3D Roadmap, new technologies for the Allura Xper family of angio labs. The applications are designed to provide imaging tools for interventional radiologists that offer both 3D anatomical information as well as real-time information in one view.
Both technologies provide live 3D guidance for interventional radiologists and neuroradiologists, helping to make navigation of needles or catheters through complex anatomical areas faster.
Specifically, XperGuide links, on a single display, angiographic CT imaging (from Philips XperCT) and live fluoroscopy, allowing better visualization of needle, target, and surrounding anatomy. Similarly, 3D Roadmap dynamically integrates live fluoroscopy with a 3D rotational angio roadmap, supporting catheter and guidewire navigation.
In addition, Philips will show a new biplane configuration, Allura Xper FD20/20, featuring two large detectors. The new configuration joins Allura Xper FD20/10 and the latest release of the Allura Xper FD20 in the company's Xper product family. Some of the products referenced may not be licensed for sale in Canada.
By Robert Bruce
AuntMinnie.com contributing writer
October 30, 2006
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