Vascular and Interventional Imaging: Case Review

Vascular and Interventional Imaging: Case Review by Suresh Vedantham and Jennifer E. Gould
Elsevier Science, St. Louis, December 2003, $41.95

Using a well established format, the latest addition to the Case Review Series offers a welcome complement to the handful of interventional radiology teaching file texts currently available. In 160 cases, the essentials of interventional imaging and treatment are covered succinctly, providing a well rounded review for the newcomer initiate and a solid review for the seasoned practitioner.

The format followed by the authors is identical to the previous Case Seriesinstallments. The teaching files start at an easier level and, over three sections, progress in difficulty. However, the content and details reviewed never veer from the essentials. There were few cases cited in this text that I didn't have personal experience with at my institution.

In general, two to four images are provided per case and a series of questions follow. Answers and a brief discussion are provided on the following page. The images, while small, clearly demonstrate the pathology via digital subtraction angiography and other modalities.

The cases vary in the review of disease pathology, indications, and contraindications of the procedure, the tools and techniques of the procedure, and outcomes, both good and bad. The real success of this text is that it does all of this concisely -- one case will take no more than 5-10 minutes to digest.

Vascular and Interventional Imaging: Case Review strikes a balance between brevity and thoroughness, which is difficult to achieve. This quick, well presented review of IR cases also comes at a very reasonable price.

By Dr. Daniel Reidman contributing writer
June 3, 2004

Dr. Reidman is a radiology resident at the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, WA.

The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the author and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the Department of Defense.

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