Dune Medical device shows promise for re-excision surgeries

An intraoperative breast cancer probe from Dune Medical Devices demonstrated potential for reducing positive surgical margins in lumpectomy patients, including ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), according to the Caesarea, Israel, firm.

The conclusions come from two studies presented this week at the American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBS) annual meeting. The first study found that the device fully detected 86% of positive-margin patients during surgery, potentially converting them to negative status during this initial procedure. The second study found that the Dune device was able to identify 20 of 21 DCIS sites postoperatively on freshly excised breast cancer tissue as verified by pathology reports.

The Dune Medical probe uses radiofrequency spectroscopy to characterize breast tissue in real-time during surgery to determine margin malignancy status.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
May 11, 2007

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