Advanced Imaging Technologies

2007 10 25 13 25 30 706

(Booth 2179) Advanced Imaging Technologies (AIT) of Richmond, WA, will showcase its Aria breast imaging system, which uses ultrasound-based technology for applications such as imaging women with dense breasts and for real-time image guidance.

2007 10 25 13 25 13 706Aria uses what AIT calls through-wave ultrasound technology, which the company claims capitalizes on the diffractive properties of sound waves, coupled with holography to enable visualization of boundary and tissue information. The technology provides image slices of 5 mm or smaller and offers a continuous stream of real-time images.

Aria has clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is currently available in the U.S. The company is pursuing distributor relationships to facilitate sales in the rest of the world.

Over the past year, Aria product enhancements include integration of image guidance for biopsy, introduction of a new holographic ultrasound (HU) workstation/console, and development of PACS/DICOM capabilities.

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