GE Healthcare

Kate Madden Yee, Senior Editor, Headshot

GE Healthcare will highlight its full-field digital mammography (FFDM) offerings, including Senographe DS, a new FFDM system that debuted at last year's RSNA show. The Waukesha, WI-based company will also showcase its original FFDM system, Senographe 2000D. Both use GE's Seno Advantage workstation, which provides multimodality viewing capability and includes Premium View, a tool that automatically finds the best contrast in an image, from chest wall to skin line.

Cleared by the FDA in February, Senographe DS performs screening, diagnostic, and interventional mammography functions. The system uses GE's Revolution amorphous selenium flat-panel digital-detector technology. It includes ergonomic features and a platform that can perform imaging fusion, as well as handle multiple images from other modalities and contrast-enhanced procedures. With a throughput of 80 to 90 patients per day, Senographe DS can also be used with an integrated biopsy device, and can perform biopsies directly in either vertical or lateral approach.

By Kate Madden Yee staff writer
November 10, 2004

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