Bill aims for more mammograms, other breast imaging in Illinois

An act making mammograms more accessible in Illinois is now in lawmakers’ hands. House Bill 4180 (HB 4180), introduced October 23, 2023, includes several instances of new and specific provisions, such as the following:

  • Coverage for certain types of mammography shall be made available to patients of a specified age (rather than only women of a specified age).
  • Coverage for molecular breast imaging will be required and, in those cases where it is not already covered, breast MRI will also be covered.
  • The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall convene an expert panel, including representatives of hospitals, free-standing breast cancer treatment centers, breast cancer quality organizations, and doctors, including radiologists who are trained in all forms of FDA-approved breast imaging technologies, breast surgeons, reconstructive breast, surgeons, oncologists, and primary care providers to establish quality standards for breast cancer treatment.

HB 4180 is sponsored by Reps. Nabeela Syed (D-51st District), Michael J. Kelly (D-15th District), and Jeff Keicher (R-70th District). Read the full text here.

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