Atlas of Gastrointestinal Imaging Figure 1.3.4 IPMN with invasive carcinoma

FIGURE 1.3.4 IPMN with invasive carcinoma. Contrast-enhanced CT (A), T2-weighted MR (B), and fat-suppressed contrast-enhanced SGE MR (C) images show a complex cystic and solid lesion occupying the pancreatic head. Enhancement of the soft tissue component is best depicted on the contrast-enhanced MR image (C). Endoscopic image (D) from a second patient shows a prominently bulging major papilla with abundant mucus. Corresponding EUS image (E) shows a massively dilated pancreatic duct and a solid mural nodule. Contrast-enhanced CT image (F) from a third patient shows a complex solid and cystic pancreatic head mass.
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