Rads on physician-rating sites; CCTA vs. SPECT MPI in chest pain; Minnie nominations end soon

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Much emphasis has been placed lately on increasing the visibility of radiologists among patients. But if research from the Emory University School of Medicine is any indication, these efforts may not yet be bearing much fruit.

In a sample of 1,000 radiologists, an Emory research team found that 80% did not have a presence on popular physician-rating websites. What's more, radiologists were underrepresented compared with physicians in other specialties.

Some radiologists may be benefiting from taking on a more prominent role, however. The researchers found that those radiologists who were included tended to have similar numbers of ratings as other physicians, but were actually rated much higher.

Click here to learn more, or stop by our Imaging Leaders Community at leaders.auntminnie.com.

CCTA vs. SPECT MPI in chest pain

For many physicians, it comes down to emotion or personal bias in deciding whether to order coronary CT angiography (CCTA) or SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) for initial imaging of chest pain. But which modality is really the best choice?

As far as outcomes goes, there's no clear winner, according to recent research from Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Still, CT has a couple of advantages up its sleeve. Get the details by clicking here, or stop by our CT Community at ct.auntminnie.com.

Minnie nominations end soon

We're still accepting nominations for our annual Minnies awards, but time is running out. The nominations phase concludes on Sunday, August 16, so if you have a worthy candidate in mind for one of radiology's highest honors, be sure to stop by minnies.auntminnie.com soon to submit your nominations.

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