Jill SteinImage-Guided SurgeryImage-guidance system goes beyond bronchoscopy to access lung massesA novel imaging technology is a safe and effective navigation tool to target lung areas that are beyond the reach of the standard bronchoscope, according to a study presented at the 2006 American Thoracic Society (ATS) meeting in San Diego.June 13, 2006Clinical NewsU.K. group finds high miss rate for lung cancers on chest x-raysWhen CT in unavailable, chest x-ray must be relied on for the detection of lung cancer. As a result, a low miss rate is essential. British respiratory specialists conducted a retrospective study at their hospital to determine their miss rate for lung lesions on chest x-ray, as well as how well they did on following up suspicious radiographic findings.June 8, 2006CTHigh rate of unexpected lung cancers found on routine CT scansSAN DIEGO - One-fifth of consecutive CT scans for all indications in a U.K. teaching hospital demonstrated a new malignancy, according to a study presented Monday at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) conference.May 23, 2006UltrasoundExternal therapeutic US accelerates thrombolysis in heart attack patientsExternal therapeutic ultrasound (ETUS) can enhance the thrombolytic efficacy of streptokinase in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (MI), especially in those who present long after the onset of symptoms, according to researchers at the 2003 American Heart Association (AHA) meeting in Orlando.December 8, 2003CTOral pentobarbital tops chloral hydrate for pre-imaging infant sedation, study claimsUntil now, chloral hydrate has been the gold standard for oral sedation for pediatric radiological imaging, explained Dr. Keira Mason and colleagues from Children’s Hospital in Boston in a poster presentation at the 2003 American Society of Anesthesiologists meeting in San Francisco.November 10, 2003MRIMR spectroscopy assesses diabetic feet for treatment, therapyNEW ORLEANS - Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can identify neuroischemic changes in the diabetic foot, according to a report Sunday at the American Diabetes Association meeting.June 15, 2003CTSpiral CT protocol predicts kidney stone compositionUsing a ratio of peak attenuation to kidney stone size on spiral CT allows physicians to distinguish predominantly uric acid calculi from predominantly calcium oxalate calculi, according to a presentation at the 2003 American Urological Association meeting in Chicago.May 18, 2003Page 1 of 1Top StoriesCTUse thin slices on CT for preop periampullary adenocarcinoma imagingPreoperative CT in patients with periampullary adenocarcinoma should include thin slices to reduce the chance of a terminated Whipple procedure.Practice ManagementPrivate equity acquisition rising in radiologyPractice ManagementMICI Q2: Confidence in growth of imaging as profit center remains highNuclear MedicineAc-225: From nuclear waste to cancer treatmentSponsor ContentElevate your patient's care with the capabilities of Cardiac PET/CT