AI for bone age | Mobile mammography | Vote for the Best Radiology Image

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The number of clinical applications for artificial intelligence continues to grow. In a new study, researchers from South Korea described how they developed and tested an algorithm for estimating the bone age of children from radiographs.

Bone age estimation is important for determining the developmental status of kids and for predicting their ultimate height. But existing techniques can be burdensome and depend on the experience of the radiologist reading hand radiographs.

Instead, the group from Asan Medical Center in Seoul developed an algorithm that estimates bone age automatically. Find out how it worked by clicking here for an article in our Artificial Intelligence Community.

Mobile mammography

How well do mobile mammography services meet the breast screening needs of underserved communities? While they do help, there are areas for improvement.

That's the conclusion of a new study in our Women's Imaging Community. Researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) compared the demographic differences between women seen at their mobile service and those who used the hospital's fixed screening service.

They found that MUSC's mobile screening service had a higher compliance rate than what's been reported in other studies. But issues such as higher recall rates still require attention. Learn more by clicking here, or visit the community at

Vote for the Best Radiology Image

Finally, you only have a few days left to vote in the Best Radiology Image competition in the Minnies, our annual awards event recognizing excellence in radiology. Voting closes at midnight on Sunday, September 17 -- to participate, visit our Facebook page and "like" the image you think is best.

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