Merge Healthcare

Kate Madden Yee, Senior Editor, Headshot

(Booth 4058) Software developer Merge Healthcare of Milwaukee will display three women's imaging products in its RSNA booth.

Fusion PACS MX 3.0 with integrated digital mammography is the latest version of Fusion PACS MX and is 64-bit compatible, allowing users to load large breast studies and prior studies easily.

Merge Mammo is the company's mammography workstation, which can be used alone or integrated with Fusion PACS MX 3.0. The computer can display and read images from different vendors and different modalities, including digital mammography, ultrasound, MR, and CT.

Finally, the company will highlight Cedara I-Read Mammo, a multimodality vendor-neutral software package that helps radiologists optimize reading speed. Cedara I-Read Mammo includes mammography tools such as skin-line detection, optimum view, and paired tools to make comparisons easier, according to Merge.

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