DVI default notice rescinded, firm hires new auditor

Healthcare equipment finance firm DVI of Jamison, PA, reported that the default notice issued earlier this week regarding some of the company's senior notes has been rescinded. The U.S. Bank National Association, the trustee related to DVI’s 9 7/8% senior notes due 2004, said it rescinded the notice, and was also resigning as trustee of the notes.

U.S. Bank said it was resigning because of a potential future conflict of interest arising out of a separate lending relationship. U.S. Bank has been replaced by HSBC Bank USA.

In other news, the company has named BDO Seidman to serve as its new independent outside auditor and tax consultant. The accounting group is a subsidiary of BDO International of Brussels, Belgium.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
July 18, 2003

Related Reading

DVI gets default notice, July 16, 2003

DVI retains UBS Securities, July 1, 2003

DVI expands into Canada, April 5, 2002

DVI secures Brazilian leases, August 29, 2000

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