ASRT readies education, training grants

The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Foundation will award grants of $500 each to as many as 50 radiologic technologists for their education and training.

The money comes from an American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) program designed to help ASRT members update and maintain their skills.

The grants will cover reimbursement for the costs of continuing education, including the following:

  • Educational conferences
  • Continuing education products
  • ARRT primary or secondary certification exam application fees
  • A new or renewed ASRT affiliate membership
  • ASRT first-time membership

Academic courses are not eligible.

Applicants are required to submit a short essay answering the following question: How does acquiring and maintaining certification improve patient care? The deadline to apply is August 17. Grant recipients will be notified in mid-September.

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