Dear Cardiac Imaging Insider,
One thing becomes very clear when you look at the range of cardiac imaging stories we're featuring on Examining the heart is a multimodality endeavor.
Our Insider Exclusive story for this edition highlights a new summary of artifacts and other problems that occur when examining the coronary arteries with a four-slice CT scanner, as well as strategies for avoiding such problems. Click here for the details.
In molecular imaging of the heart, we have an article describing the value of SPECT for detecting coronary artery disease (CAD) in asymptomatic diabetics.
Another recent story states that stress MRI is more sensitive than stress echocardiography for detecting CAD in emergency patients. Yet another article notes the cost-effectiveness of contract echo as an imaging option.
You'll find all of these stories, and more, listed below, in the Cardiac Imaging Digital Community. As always, I welcome your feedback and story suggestions.