Dear AuntMinnie Member,
The SNM conference opened this weekend with a range of clinical research representing the value of nuclear medicine. Features editor Wayne Forrest is on hand in Salt Lake City to report for our Molecular Imaging Digital Community.
At a wide-ranging press conference on Monday, SNM officers described the cutting-edge studies being presented at this week's meeting, with discoveries ranging from new PET radiopharmaceuticals for imaging Alzheimer's disease to agents that could improve the diagnosis of recurrent prostate cancer. Read our coverage of the event by clicking here.
In other SNM news, learn about the use of PET/CT to guide cardiac resynchronization therapy, or about how the nuclear medicine community must focus on comparative effectiveness research to demonstrate the specialty's value.
Want to get updates from the show, practically in real-time? Then sign up for our Twitter feed, at, or search on the hashtag #snm10 for recently filed stories.
More news from SIIM
Just as SNM was getting going, we wrapped up our coverage of the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) meeting this week in Minneapolis.
Conference highlights included a presentation on the importance of integrating patient CDs into your PACS network, as well as a talk on how despite recent progress the healthcare IT industry is still lagging advances in the consumer world.
Also learn more about secrets revealed in one department's analysis of transferred historical images, as well as the rising importance of business analytics in imaging informatics.