Preclinical imaging technology developer MILabs will showcase new MRI capabilities at the upcoming Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Thanks to a new collaboration with French MRI manufacturer RS2D, MILabs is now offering a PET/SPECT/CT/MRI package that allows users to perform high-field-strength MRI with PET, SPECT, or parallel PET/SPECT scanning in an adjustable room layout, according to the vendor. Users can choose from either a 1.5- or 3-tesla MRI system.
The MR systems offer high homogeneity with a restricted fringe field to support close proximity to the firm's U-PET, U-SPECT, or Vector PET/SPECT systems. The scanners utilize low-maintenance magnet technologies and do not require liquid helium, MILabs said.