London hospital to install Siemens' 3-tesla MRI unit

Siemens Medical Solutions has won a contract to install its Magnetom Verio 3-tesla MRI scanner at a London hospital.

Charing Cross Hospital in West London, part of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, has placed an order for the system. The unit will be the first MRI scanner to be purchased via the NHS Supply Chain framework.

Magnetom Verio is a 3-tesla MRI system with a 70-cm open bore and Siemens' Total Imaging Matrix (Tim) technology. It will complement an existing 1.5-tesla MR scanner already installed at the hospital, according to the Erlangen, Germany-based vendor.

Related Reading

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Siemens releases new Invision version, December 3, 2007

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Siemens launches new Artis x-ray line, November 25, 2007

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