Dear AuntMinnie Member,
Whew! Hope you've all had a chance to decompress after last week's RSNA meeting. Whether you were walking the hallowed halls of McCormick Place or following from home, it can be tough to process everything in a single week, so be sure to check back in our RADCast @ RSNA at to make sure you didn't miss anything.
We'll continue to provide you with news on presentations from the meeting in the weeks to come; one such presentation concerns the effects of regular mammography screening on mastectomy rates.
British researchers found that younger women who received annual mammograms had mastectomy rates that were less than half the rates of women who weren't being screened annually. Annual screening also conferred other outcomes benefits -- find out what they are by clicking here.
And in another story, U.S. researchers discussed their use of a fast MRI technique that's capable of acquiring images of children in 20 seconds -- thus ruling out the need for sedation or for ionizing modalities such as CT. Learn how the protocol worked in monitoring the treatment of children with hydrocephalus by clicking here.