Women's Imaging Insider

Kate Madden Yee, Senior Editor, Headshot

Dear Women's Imaging Insider,

For women who choose breast-conserving surgery, it's crucial that the size and extent of their cancer is estimated accurately: if it's not, they can face more -- and unexpected -- surgical intervention.

Historically, targeted breast ultrasound has been used along with mammography for this kind of presurgical planning, but newer techniques, including breast MRI and whole-breast ultrasound, are showing promise.

Find out what researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles discovered when they compared bilateral MRI and bilateral whole-breast ultrasound to mammography and targeted ultrasound by clicking here. As an Insider subscriber, you have access to the article before our other readers.

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As always, if you have a comment, report, or article idea to share about any aspect of women's imaging, I invite you to contact me at [email protected].

Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2011!

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