TeraRecon launches AquariusNet 3-D technology

SALT LAKE CITY - Image reconstruction developer TeraRecon is using this week’s SCAR meeting to launch its AquariusNet server for streaming 2-D/3-D image processing and review.

AquariusNet is designed to provide low-cost 3-D and local image distribution to existing PACS workstations. The software eliminates the need for facilities to purchase expensive dedicated 3-D computers, according to the San Mateo company.

The product uses a powerful central server for image processing, with thin-client computers -- usually standard PCs -- located remotely. This enables remote users to view 3-D images without the processing power often needed for 3-D reconstruction.

TeraRecon believes the increasing number of slices generated by today’s souped-up scanners are requiring more powerful workstations for image review. But workflow is disrupted when different computers must be used for 2-D review and 3-D postprocessing, according to Robert Taylor, executive vice president of the company.

The AquariusNet server is equipped with multiple VolumePro real-time volume-rendering boards. This enables the server to conduct multiple remote 2-D and 3-D sessions, while only screen updates are sent to remote computers over a network connection. TeraRecon acquired the VolumePro technology when it purchased Mitsubishi Electric’s Real Time Visualization business unit in 2001.

TeraRecon isn’t the only firm at this week’s SCAR meeting that is exploring remotely hosted 3-D image processing. HInnovation of Wauwatosa, WI, is also showing a client-server 3-D system, called iConnection 3D.

By Brian Casey
AuntMinnie.com staff writer
May 3, 2001

Related Reading

HInnovation adds Internet wrinkle to 3-D imaging, May 3, 2001

TeraRecon unveils Aquarius, hires Taylor to market it, March 23, 2001

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