Healthcare IT Insider

Welcome to the Healthcare IT Insider.

We've expanded the charter of our RIS-specific community to encompass the information systems throughout healthcare. Because radiology touches and is touched by almost all aspects of modern medicine, has broadened its information technology perspective in recognition of this reality.

In the coming months, we'll explore information and image management systems of other practice specialties; U.S. and international electronic health record (EHR) and electronic medical record (EMR) implementation and installations; the growing use of evidence-based medicine tools; structured reporting and speech recognition; the movement toward standards and connectivity that will permit the cornucopia of healthcare IT systems to interact with one another; and the migration of data from legacy applications into consolidated information systems.

In this issue of the Healthcare IT Insider, we look at advanced planning for cardiac EMR implementation. Just as radiologists need access to reports, information, and images from a common application, so, too, does cardiology. Where radiology has access to interfaced or combined RIS and PACS products, cardiologists are looking to adopt EMR technology to provide similar efficiencies.

To learn more about what needs to be considered and addressed for cardiac EMR implementation, click here. As a Healthcare IT Insider subscriber, you have access to this story before it's published for the rest of our members at the end of the week.

Finally, if you have a comment or story to share about any aspect of healthcare IT, please get in touch with me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

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