Business & Industry Insider

Dear Business & Industry Insider,

Advanced visualization software is changing how radiologists view and interact with medical images -- a trend that's spreading into the rest of the healthcare enterprise as 3D goes hospital-wide.

In this edition of the Insider, we bring you perspectives on enterprise-wide 3D from both vendors and users of advanced visualization. You'll learn about effective strategies for deploying 3D across your enterprise, how it can impact your relationship with referring physicians, and even how 3D can save the lives of your patients. To learn more, click here, for a story you're getting before the rest of the membership.

In other news in your Business & Industry Digital Community, the nuclear medicine community is on edge as yet another shutdown of the National Research Universal nuclear reactor in Canada imperils supplies of molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) in North America. Mo-99 supplies could run out as early as this week -- click here for the latest in this developing story.

Also, learn about the latest settlement in an ongoing effort by a PACS vendor to defend its patents against what it says is infringement by other firms.

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