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    "message": "Cannot execute GraphQL operations after the server has stopped.",
    "extensions": {

VSM to showcase new MEG electronics

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) developer VSM MedTech of Vancouver, British Columbia, is planning to introduce the latest extension to its CTF 151 and CTF 275 MEG offerings at the RSNA conference in Chicago next week.

The products are an extension of the basic electronics of the firm's CTF MEG systems. New features to be highlighted include a dual 3.0-GHz Intel Xeon processing cluster for real-time data processing and support of continuous head localization and movement-correction capabilities, cross-talk correction to improve signal-to-noise levels in demanding magnetic environments, and an enhanced desktop console for controlling the main system electronics and connecting to subject stimulus equipment.

By staff writers
November 24, 2004

Related Reading

VSM sells MEG to France, December 31, 2003

VSM places MEG in Munster, December 11, 2003

VSM taps Price as CEO, December 5, 2003

CMS hikes MEG reimbursement, November 3, 2003

VSM adds China distributors, September 26, 2003

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