Radcal launches new series of radiation meters

X-ray radiation-measurement firm Radcal said it will now have three versions of its Radcal Survey Meter (RSM) for measuring radiation exposure rates: RSM, RSM1, and RSM*.

RSM is a pressurized ion chamber meter that can be used for a variety of medical and health physics applications, such as measuring exposure from leakage and scatter radiation around diagnostic and therapeutic x-ray rooms, Radcal said.

RSM1 is a low-pressure chamber in a nonhazardous-materials version, while RSM* offers ambient equivalent dose measurements, according to the firm.

A 256-K color display offers an optimized presentation of data, which can be written in comma-separated value (CSV) format to a standard USB thumb drive for convenient retrieval by a PC spreadsheet or database program, Radcal said. Alarms occur via color changes on the display and audio output.

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