The American College of Radiology (ACR) of Reston, VA, and its fellow medical professional societies have released a joint statement about society relationships with industry, the ACR said.
In response to proposals to reduce or eliminate industry support for the activities of medical professional societies, the ACR, the American College of Cardiology, the American College of Emergency Physicians, the American College of Rheumatology, and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons wrote that "without continued external support from industry, our societies will be unable to provide the same level of outstanding education and cutting-edge science that has advanced the quality of patient care in this country."
The statement suggested that industry funding be separated from product bias and be focused on supporting continuing medical education, speeding the translation of scientific research into the clinical care setting, supporting this research, and improving communication to patients about the benefits and risks of various medical devices.
The societies also stated that they are considering a self-funded coalition for medical associations to develop best-practices guidelines and code of ethics for managing relationships with the industry.
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ACR, ARRS to join forces, February 6, 2009
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ACR Image Metrix reaches milestone, September 30, 2008
ACR aims to become Medicare accrediting body, July 31, 2008
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