Orthopedic Imaging Insider

Dear Orthopedic Imaging Insider,

In 1994, 124,000 total hip replacement procedures were performed in the U.S., along with 209,000 total knee replacements. By 2004, those figured climbed to 234,000 and 478,000, respectively, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Given that the general population is growing older, yet still remaining active, it's a safe assumption that many more folks will have "nuts and bolts" put in them.

When it comes time to image these patients, which modality delivers the best results? In our Insider Exclusive article, Dr. Kenneth Buckwalter from Indiana University offers ways to optimize MRI and CT scans in the presence of hardware. Click here for the details.

Speaking of orthopedic specialists, learn more about what it is your colleagues want out of imaging. According to this IMV Medical Information Division report, it's not necessarily more time collaborating with you, the musculoskeletal imaging professional.

In other news, read about the value of preoperative MRI to predict which vertebroplasty patients are more likely to have cement leakage and subsequent compression fractures. Also, see why molecular imaging specialists in Israel recommend SPECT/CT over scintigraphy for nononcologic cases.

The Orthopedic Imaging Digital Community also features several articles on osteoporosis: why osteoporotic patients are likely to skip their meds, the questionable connection between hot flashes and bone loss, and the discovery of a gene that may influence osteoporosis risk.

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