Healthcare IT Insider

When Shields Health Care Group in Quincy, MA, set its sights on becoming a completely paperless environment, reducing report turnaround to less than 20 hours for all exams and positioning itself for the next generation of multimedia radiology reporting, the latest in speech recognition technology became a "must have."

Dear Healthcare IT Insider,

When Shields Health Care Group in Quincy, MA, set its sights on becoming a completely paperless environment, reducing report turnaround to less than 20 hours for all exams and positioning itself for the next generation of multimedia radiology reporting, the latest in speech recognition technology became a "must have."

Read Shields' first-hand account of how it used speech recognition to accomplish its goals and enhance its patient care and client services in this report, being sent to you as this issue's Insider Exclusive.

In another example of how speech recognition technology can put radiologists at ease and dispel their fears of longer days and transcription problems, Inland Imaging offers insights from its facility. Read how the 60-member private radiology practice based in Spokane, WA, developed an implementation strategy in this first-hand report.

Healthcare facilities may say they want 99.99% uptime for IT systems, but what is a realistic expectation? Over the last three years, LifeBridge Health of Baltimore has carried out a major initiative to completely computerize the four facilities under its banner and end its dependency on film and paper. The process began by calculating and then allocating time for preventive maintenance, upgrades, and unexpected downtime. Click here to see how the healthcare system does it in 36 hours -- annually.

Despite the hype, one study concluded that electronic health records do not provide the catalyst to improve routine doctor visits. A report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine analyzed 17 measures of quality, and found that electronic health records made no difference in 14 areas.

Please feel free to drop me an e-mail at [email protected] if you have any healthcare IT topics you would like to see covered in the coming weeks and months. Meanwhile, enjoy the summer and stay informed through the Healthcare IT Digital Community.

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